Lou Maresca & Lisa Mead's

Office: 321-733-6422

From The Basics...to the Extreme !!!

  More Student Comments!..  
  "The first time my son went to the Surf School he actually came back more responsible and organized - I mean, he understood the concept of having to be in a certain place at a certain time!  I guess the way I feel about your camp is simple:  With the kind of instructors you have there - and what they've accomplished - how can the players NOT benefit from this coaching ?!? Plus, my son is an only child and quite frankly the interaction he got from  older and younger kids was exactly what he need."
- G. Prochinsky, Mother of 14 year old student
  "I wouldn't have believed it, but both my daughters have improved by about 50% from attending your camp! My youngest daughter had a poor skill at catching the wave last summer and this year she's one of the better boarders in her age group...My daughters felt really close to their coaches at the school and wanted to go every day of the school.  I feel so positively about your school that you can pretty much write anything you want and I'd sign my name to it!!"
- S.Profit, Mother of 8 & 10 year old students
  "Over the past 7 years, one of the biggest highlights of every  one of my summers has definitely been attending the Central Florida Surf School.  This camp has brought me so many tools that I use on and off the water.  The School has been the place where I learned the key points to many of the surf skills and where I have improved mine dramatically.  The camp also has brought me a lot of self-confidence that I need for my best competitions and to face many of the other challenges in life.  To have national caliber surfers, the people I look up to for so many things, tell me I am doing something right is an amazing feeling!! Your camp is a week of intense surfing, a ton of learning and many great laughs"
- J. Lange, 14
Thank you so very much for the lesson for my daughter this past week and for giving her the confidence to want to keep up with the sport of surfing.  I have never seen her so enthused about wanting to keep up with a sport!  She had a great time, learned A LOT, and told me that she will be working out to be ready to surf this summer.  Thanks for providing her the inspiration.   I thank you also for letting me listen in on her lesson and even giving the board a try.  Come June, we will BOTH be back in the surf giving it another go."

"PS. We both are looking forward to more lessons in as soon as you start up your 2004 program in Costa Rica.  Let us know when you are there so my daughter can show you the progress that I know - thanks to your inspiration - she will be making" 
J. Indyk

  "Dear Lou & Ryan,
My son had the great experience of surfing with both of you last spring.  Recently he was asked to write an essay to gain entry to a highly academic school and below is the essay he wrote:
Describe a life changing event you have experienced and explain how it affected you:

    A life changing event I have had is surfing.  It was very exciting when I stood up for the first time on my surf board.  Could you imagine standing on a surf board while surfing four foot wave at eight years old?  The sea air rushing on your face, speeding by on the surface of the water, racing closer to the shore.  To stand up, you must pop up from your stomach to your feet.  My life has been changed by surfing, because I am now able to do something many others do not know how to do.  I surf! - R. Allard, 8

He was immediately accepted, and more importantly (to me) I see my son has acquired a love and skill for a most beautiful sport.

Many thanks for your great introduction to surfing and for giving him a skill that has clearly very positively affected his life!  We will be soon for more lessons at  Fort Pierce.
- E. Allard, Mother of 8 years old student


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